Nebula ====== Skybox by Justin Fisher This Skybox comes from "Gunmetal" by Mad Genius Software, and has been converted for Quake III Arena. Textures copyright 1998, Justin Fisher. You may include these textures with your levels, provided that they are credited to Justin Fisher (the textures, not the levels :). However, the textures may not be used in commercial products or for commercial purposes without permission. You may distribute these textures as level building assets, but must include this file (though the Q3A-specific material may be removed or replaced if not relevant). ABOUT: Overhead sun (well, more like extra-bright star) and nearby nebula spanning almost 180 degrees of the view. Well suited to space maps. Panels are 256x256, and you may notice that three of the panels use the same image (they depict only stars). In Q3A however, I don't know of a way to get it to use the same image on multiple sides, so there are 3 identical panels used here. In other words, the RAM cost of this sky could be greatly reduced if there is a way to tell the engine to use the same texture for three of the panels, but currently I'm doing it the crude way :-) TO USE: (for Quake III Arena) For those familiar with this stuff, the textures are in the .pk3, and the shaders are in this file. For those less familiar; 1) Put the .pk3 file (this contains the skybox textures) in your Quake baseq3 directory. 2) Create a textures/harlequin_sky directory off your baseq3 directory. 3) Create a text file "harlequin_sky.shader" in this directory (unless you have done so already for another of my skies, in which case you use the existing file). 4) Cut and paste the shader scripts (below) into this file. (Note - it must be a plain text file, not rich text or anything like that). 5) Add "harlequin_sky.shader" to the "shaderlist.txt" in the baseq3/scripts directory. Now you have the Harlequin textures available in Q3Radient. Using them in your map should produce the sky correctly in Q3A. To distribute your level with the sky, you can either distribute it with the .pk3 file, or put the contents of the .pk3 into your map's .pk3 (a cleaner solution). If you don't know how to do this, well, go find out. :-) Don't forget that there is a naming convention for your final .pk3 file (more on this at the bottom of this file). You will see below that two shaders are included. Both show the same skybox, but one has the Surfacelight parameter removed (NO-GLOW). Skies have two lightsources - the direct rays of the sun, and indirect ambient light that fills in the shadows a bit. The ambient light is created by making the sky texture glow in addition to the sun. This gets the best results, but can take a very long time when compiling your maps. Hence, use the noglow texture for areas where the glow is not needed. You can also use noglow as a temporary texture while you work on the map, and switch to the normal one when finishing. THE SHADER SCRIPTS: // ---cut here--- // nebula skybox // ============= textures/harlequin_sky/jf-nebula_sky { qer_editorimage textures/harlequin_sky/nebula_qer1.tga surfaceparm sky surfaceparm noimpact surfaceparm nolightmap surfaceparm nomarks q3map_surfacelight 50 // note: Change the surfacelight value if you want more ambient light from the sky. q3map_sun 1 .98 .9 100 0 90 // note: Change the fourth value (100) if you want a brighter or dimmer sun skyparms textures/harlequin_sky/env/nebular - - } // Nebula skybox without Surfacelight (ie NO-GLOW) // ===================================================== textures/harlequin_sky/jf-nebula_sky_noglow { qer_editorimage textures/harlequin_sky/nebula_qer2.tga surfaceparm sky surfaceparm noimpact surfaceparm nolightmap surfaceparm nomarks q3map_sun 1 .98 .9 100 0 90 // note: Change the fourth value (100) if you want a brighter or dimmer sun skyparms textures/harlequin_sky/env/nebular - - } // ---stop cutting here--- Enjoy your new world. - Justin E-mail: Homepage: Skyboxes: --- Quake III Arena file naming convention: If you plan on distributing other resources separately, we [id Software] strongly recommend the following naming conventions: md3-xxx.pk3 User Model with original associated skin files and sound files bot-xxx.pk3 User bot files. May contain additional model or skin and texture files skin-xxx.pk3 User skin with associated skin and texture files map-xxx.pk3 User created map(s) and supporting files (arena, texture, sound, music) tex-xxx.pk3 User texture and shader files snd-xxx.pk3 Sounds only mus-xxx.pk3 Music only pfb-xxx.pk3 Map prefabs (special thanks to Rogue13 of for this naming convention)