Forest - Environment map for Quake2, Half-life and Sin by Murray Christian (contact: Created in Bryce4 released September 15th, 1999 Fragging in a smallish thicket of very large trees. It's not much of a forest really. Not enough trees. Although if there were too many more My PC might have caught fire. It's generally pretty simple in construction though. This was originally made for the Ewok Village AQ2 map by Ray Yeung (hence the scale) Links: My tutorial: Other skies: thanks to the folk at the AQ Mapdepot for the hosting Web site : (nothing sky related) Instructions: Quake2 uses both versions of the sky; Half-life and Sin only need the .tga files. for placement and use of these files check Primordial Soup's procedure. and check out Darc's own lovely skies while you're at it. Agreement stuff: If you do anything with this sky, please tell me about it and keep this .txt file with it. This sky is free for use by mappers or anyone else not trying to make a profit from it. If you're not sure, drop me a line. (you might be surprised how agreeable people can be). enjoy MJC.......... aka Muzman (