beta_ctf_turbine11 - Capture the Flag By XuberAxel. Here I bring again a map made by me based on the original ctf_turbine map of Team Fortress 2. It is not finished but I still hope you like it. Characteristics of the map: - Healing and armor surcharge on the map. - Few rooms. - 2 spawn rooms for Reds and 2 spawn rooms for Blues. - 2 manageable lifts in the center of the map. They can be used to run over enemies or to serve as a barricade. - 2 machine guns in the center. One on the Blue side and one on the Red side. - 2 control rooms. One on the Blue side and one on the Red side. They serve for those who get there, use the room as a bunker, either to attack or to defend themselves against enemies. In these 2 rooms is a control panel with buttons in the center that do certain things to be more protected. - Adequate lighting even in dark places to clearly see enemies. - Spacious map for plugins such as bunny hop, double jump and parachute.