CS_1701ev2 by [Kasperg] YUGO www.geocities.com/kaspergclan This map represents the ncc-1701-E or Enterprise E, that appeared for the first time in the movie Star Trek First Contact. The Borg have begun to assimilate the ship, beggining with engineering,where they have already taken a few crew members as hostages. CS-forces: Prevent the Borg from assimilating the crew by taking them (the crew) safely to the captains escape shuttle. Terrorist forces: Don't let the CS forces rescue such valuable beings that can be assimilated into the Borg Collective. comments to jm_amyg@hotmail.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Este mapa representa la nave ncc-1701-E, La Enterprise E, cuya primera aparición tuvo lugar en Star trek First Contact. Los Borg han empezado a asimilar la nave, empezando por la sala de máquinas, donde ya han capturado a varios miembros de la tripulación. Counters: Impedir que los Borg asimilen a la tripulación llevandoles a la lanzadera de escape del capitán (se entiende que es la tripulación). Terrors:No dejeis que los counters se lleven a unos seres tan útiles para asimilar al Colectivo Borg. comentarios a jm_amyg@hotmail.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------